Unrivalled Reliability

Guarantee flawless availability as you cut operational cost

Eliminate Risk

Eliminate risk

Reduce excess, obsolescence & waste

Use data-driven insights to maximise the success of new product introductions. Track evolving product lifecycles and take decisive action to prevent excess, obsolesce & waste.

Out Of Stock

Never ‘out of stock’

Prevent stockouts & backorders

Perfectly align supply and demand with responsive forecasting. Take into account target service levels, emerging trends & key customer orders to guarantee flawless availability.

Optimise Working Capital

Optimise working capital

Unlock cash tied up in stock

Cut inventory levels by as much as 25% as you re-prioritise your investment of working capital on the products that matter most to your customers.

Kramp Small 1 (1)

Marcel Vlogtman

Purchasing and logistics | Kramp Group

“Slim4 has increased our service level from 93% to over 96%.”

Dale Gardiner

Deputy Planning Manager | Implementos S.A.

“Thanks to the help of the Slimstock consultants, we were able to quickly start using Slim4. Now, after the respective analyses, we can safely say that it has been a very good investment and we have more than recouped our investment.”

Brymec Logo (3)
Dale Gardiner Brymec

Dale Gardiner

Commercial Director | Brymec

“We have increased service levels on our highest performing lines to 99.6%.”

Our spare parts customers typically enjoy the following results

0 Expedited costs
0 Waste
0 Stock out
0 Stock turn

See Slim4 in action

Find out how Slim4 can help you boost profitability, cut waste, & improve sales.
