Maite Zubieta

Financial and Stock Manager | Original Gaur

"We have managed to provide a 98% level of service to our customers."

Original Gaur is a family business distributor of sanitary, air conditioning, heating and plumbing located in Irún. The Financial and Stock Manager, Maite Zubieta, was concerned about the constant generation of obsolete that was reducing the results of the operating account year after year. In September 2004, it opted for Slimstock to thoroughly control stock, eliminate outages, and reduce obsolete ones, as a complement to its AS / 400 ERP.

“There are no magic recipes for obsolete ones, the best way to manage them is to prevent them from occurring”, says Original Gaur’s Financial and Stock Manager, Maite Zubieta. “It was one of our main concerns. Our way of supplying ourselves was the old-fashioned way, we carried it out as best we knew and could, but it was based more on intuition and commercial forecasts, than on scientific bases. For this reason I turned to Slimstock solutions ”, he acknowledges.

Stock reliability

“Through Slimstock CCP I have made the information about the stock reliability. That is, what appears on the computer matches what is on the shelves. This is the basic premise to be able to commit ourselves when serving an order on a certain date.

On the other hand, Slimstock ABC has helped us make decisions regarding the levels of service that we must offer for each reference, as well as those that are worth stopping working on. Without a doubt, today we could not manage without the Slimstock software, Slim4 ”.

98% service level

“Slim4 has allowed us to eliminate service failures and gradually move towards optimal provisioning. That is, buy what is sold. In 3 years the stock has remained practically constant and we have managed to provide a 98% level of service to our customers. This aspect is vital considering that there are 3 competing warehouses in our area of ​​influence”, he affirms.

Financial benefits

Maite Zubieta manages the financial area of ​​the company and the first impact that she perceived with the implementation of Slim4 was the decrease in the generation of obsolete ones, the recovery of capital more quickly and the reduction of the company’s short-term debts, especially with suppliers.

“What we bought we sold much more quickly. The first year, the financial forecasts for the regularisation of the stock due to obsolescence were dramatically reduced, we blocked purchases of items with excess stock and we began to get rid of the obsolete ones that we already had, ”he explains.

Efficient provisioning

“I also appreciate the efficiency and effectiveness that the application brings to the procurement process. In his day we detected inefficient work habits that were quickly corrected. We also decouple the purchase management from one person exclusively, there are currently several people who can carry out this work. In a company of our characteristics, that is very important. I am very clear that Slim4 has revolutionised the company. It is a very important competitive advantage that creates dependency”, the Financial and Stock Manager concludes with satisfaction.