Política de privacidade


Quem é o controlador de dados?

The data controller of Slimstock.com is Slimstock, Grosvenor House, Prospect Hill, Redditch. Where a registration form is presented on this website, the data controller may vary depending on the actual offering or the purpose of the data collection but it is in any case displayed on the individual registration form’s privacy statement. For further details, please contact [email protected].

O que a Slimstock faz com meus dados pessoais?

Slimstock will process Personal Data only as set out in this Privacy Statement.

1) For what duration will Slimstock process your personal data?

Where Slimstock is processing and using your Personal Data as permitted by law or under your consent, Slimstock will store your Personal Data only for as long as is required to fulfil the purposes set out below or until you withdraw consent or, for instances where Slimstock has a legitimate interest in using your Personal Data until you object to Slimstock’s use of your Personal Data.

However, for instances where Slimstock is required by mandatory law to retain your Personal Data longer or where your Personal Data is required for Slimstock to assert or defend against legal claims, Slimstock will retain your Personal Data until the end of the relevant retention period or until the claims in question have been settled.

2) What are your rights?

You can request information about which Personal Data Slimstock processes about you and the correction or deletion of such Personal Data at any time. However, Slimstock can delete your Personal Data only if there is no statutory obligation or prevailing right of Slimstock to retain it.

If Slimstock uses your Personal Data based on your consent or to perform a contract with you, you may further request a copy of the Personal Data that you have provided to Slimstock. In this case, please send an email to [email protected] and specify which information or processing activities your request relates to as well as the format in which you would like this information and if you would like this to be sent to another recipient.

Furthermore, you can request that Slimstock restricts your personal data from any further processing if any of the following apply: you state that the Personal Data Slimstock has about you is incorrect, there is no legal basis for Slimstock to process your Personal Data and you instruct Slimstock to restrict your Personal Data from further processing, Slimstock no longer requires your Personal Data but you instruct Slimstock to retain such data in order to claim or exercise legal rights or to defend against third party claims or in case you object to the processing of your Personal Data by Slimstock based upon legitimate interest for as long as it is required to review as to whether Slimstock has a prevailing interest or legal obligation in processing your Personal Data.

You may object to Slimstock using Personal Data for the above purposes at any time by contacting [email protected]. If you do so, Slimstock will cease using your Personal Data for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy (that is to say, under a legitimate interest set out above) and remove it from its systems unless Slimstock is permitted to use such Personal Data for another purpose set out in this Privacy Statement.

If you are unhappy with how Slimstock processes your personal data, you have the right to complain. If you believe that Slimstock is not processing your Personal Data in accordance with the requirements set out in this document or with the applicable data protection laws, you can at any time lodge a complaint with the data protection authority of the EEA country applicable to you.

To make such instruction or for further information, please contact Slimstock at [email protected]

3) How do we use your personal information?

We use the information collected primarily to process the task for which you visited the website. Data collected in the EU is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to this information. This safeguard may require you to provide additional forms of identity should you wish to obtain information about your account details.

4) What personal information do we collect?

We may collect any or all of the following information depending on the type of transaction, including your name, address, telephone number and email address together with data about your use of the website. Other information that may be needed from time to time to process your Personal Data may also be collected from publicly available sources.

5) Website cookies and link tracking

Cookies allow us to provide important site functionality so you don’t have to re-enter lots of information. They also allow us to remember what links and pages have been clicked or viewed during a session. If you have provided us with personal data, completing a contact form for example, we may associate this personal data with other information. This will allow us to identify and record what is most relevant to you. By using your browser controls, you are always in control of the cookies we store and access on your computer.

Your Internet browser has the in-built facility for storing small files – “Cookies” – that hold information which allows a website to recognise you as a user. Our website takes advantage of this facility to enhance your experience.

We use a number of these cookies for analytical purposes, and these are described in detail below. By using the Slimstock website, you consent to the use of cookies for these purposes. We use a combination of both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies keep track of your current visit and how you navigate the site, persistent cookies enable our website to recognise you as a repeat visitor when you return. The session cookies will be deleted from your computer when you close your browser. Persistent cookies will be removed on a predetermined expiry date, or when deleted by you.

Most web browsers allow user privacy settings to block either all cookies, or third-party cookies. Blocking cookies will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites, including this one. Please visit www.aboutcookies.org for comprehensive information on how to change your cookie settings in a wide variety of different web browsers.

Google Analytics is a website monitoring tool that allows users to see volumes of website visitors, their source, and to analyse how the content of their website is viewed and navigated. This, in turn, allows optimisation of the content and pages on slimstock.com and the marketing programmes that drive traffic to the website. Google Analytics does not store any personal information about website visitors but does use persistent cookies to identify repeat visitors. You may universally opt-out of all Google Analytics tracking used by all websites by visiting the following URL – https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

You can view our cookie policy in more detail by following this link: https://www.slimstock.com/en/our-story/cookie-policy/

6) What types of communication will we send you?

By submitting your email address, you are consenting to receive the particular piece of information you requested, as well as allowing us to send you appropriate and useful communications. Additionally, on the lawful basis of legitimate interest, Slimstock may also provide you with relevant communication in the form of direct marketing without prior consent. This includes but is not limited to; invitations to our industry-leading  events and webinars, our latest assets (whitepapers, guides, reports, infographics, videos and case studies) and promotional offers on software and services. We would also like to keep you abreast of the charity events and initiatives we partake in. If you are a customer of Slimstock, you will also receive product updates. These updates will highlight the great new releases we have developed.  At any time, you can update your preferences by clicking the link in any emails you receive from us. The link will always be in the footer of the email. You can also stop receiving emails from us using that same link. If you don’t have an email from us to hand and want to update your preferences, please contact [email protected].

Informações coletadas

Podemos coletar qualquer ou todas as informações que você nos fornecer, dependendo do tipo de transação que você realizar, incluindo seu nome, endereço, número de telefone e endereço de e-mail, juntamente com dados sobre o uso do site. Outras informações que podem ser necessárias de tempos em tempos para processar uma solicitação também podem ser coletadas conforme indicado no site.

Uso de sua informação

Usamos as informações coletadas principalmente para processar a tarefa para a qual você visitou o site. Os dados coletados na UE são mantidos de acordo com a Lei de Proteção de Dados. Todas as precauções razoáveis ​​são tomadas para evitar o acesso não autorizado a essas informações. Essa proteção pode exigir que você forneça formas adicionais de identidade, caso deseje obter informações sobre os detalhes de sua conta.

Política de cookies

nosso navegador de Internet possui um recurso embutido para armazenar pequenos arquivos – “Cookies” – que contêm informações que permitem que um site reconheça você como um usuário. Nosso site aproveita essa facilidade para aprimorar sua experiência.

Usamos vários desses cookies para fins analíticos, e eles são descritos em detalhes a seguir. Ao usar o site da Slimstock, você concorda com o uso de cookies para esses fins. Usamos uma combinação de cookies de sessão e persistentes. Os cookies de sessão rastreiam sua visita atual e como você navega no site, os cookies persistentes permitem que nosso site o reconheça como um visitante recorrente quando você retornar. Os cookies de sessão serão excluídos do seu computador quando você fechar o navegador. Os cookies persistentes serão removidos em uma data de expiração predeterminada ou quando excluídos por você.

A maioria dos navegadores permite que as configurações de privacidade do usuário bloqueiem todos os cookies ou cookies de terceiros. O bloqueio de cookies, no entanto, terá um impacto negativo sobre a usabilidade de muitos sites, incluindo este. Visite www.aboutcookies.org para obter informações abrangentes sobre como alterar suas configurações de cookies em uma ampla variedade de navegadores da web.


Cookies do Google analytics

Google Analytics is a website monitoring tool that allows users to see volumes of website visitors, their source, and to analyse how the content of their website is viewed and navigated. This in turn allows optimisation of the content and pages on www.communigator.co.uk and the marketing programmes that drive traffic to the website. Google Analytics does not store any personal information about website visitors, but does use persistent cookies to identify repeat visitors. You may universally opt-out of all Google Analytics tracking used by all websites by visiting the following URL – https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

You can view our cookie policy in more detail by following this link.
